ジア ダーリンズ ドレス アップ 4パック (4 DVDセット)

Costume Play or CosPlay is all the rave these days. And when somethings hot or the latest trends are developing, Americas most favorite Transsexual - Gia Darling is usually in the mix. That is right- when Gia and her friends get together, costumes and a little imagination m ...すべて読む
ake for globs of tranny fun!! The Gia Darling Dress-Up 4 disc set features over 7 total hours of Gia and her Transsexual Playmates dressing up while getting down and very dirty. This multi disc set features 4 full length original Third World Media/ Gia Darling DVDs.- 1. Transsexual Cheerleader Search #1 starring: Gia Darling, Bridget, Victoria, Fabiani Three cheers for Gias little darlings and a big hooray for big dick shemales in cheerleader costumes!! 2. Naughty Transsexual Nurses starring: Gia Darling, Camila De Castro, Paula, Laila With Gia and her friends fresh out of medical school the medical community is taken by storm. Bend over, there is a giant thermometer cumming! Let Gia nurse you back to a healthy sex life!! 3. Tranny Watch starring: Gia Darling, Thabatta, Sasha, Mirimmy You have heard of Baywatch? Now check out Tranny Watch where Gia and her friends handle beach patrol with their stiff girl batons. Life is a beach, and Gia and her friends give you something to surf on!! 4. Hip Hop Heartbreakers starring: Gia Darling, Julianna, Victoria, Fabiane Hip Hop is pretty cool and there is nothing Gia enjoys more than a good bit of music. Her and her friends tuck their tranny sacks back tight and get ready for some fun doing the TS windmill. 4 Original DVDs, 16 Total Cosplay Scenes, and over 7 Total Hours!!! CosPlay Special!!! Gia is back!!!! Directed by Gia Darling
商品番号 TW-02711
主演女優 Gia Darling
発売日 2/24/2010 (在庫切れです)
収録時間 Apx. 7 Hrs


(約 JPY ¥2,996)|通常価格の0オフ


*合計100ドル以上お買い上げでフリーDVD一枚差上げます。 フリーDVDのリスト


商品番号: TW-02711 メディア形式: DVD リージョンコード: (全て) 映像信号方式: NTSC形式 映像信号方式: 4:3 標準テレビサイズ DVDタイプ: 片面二層 言 語: 英語 ディスク枚数: 4 字幕: N/A


Gia Darling

